West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. (TSXV: WRLG) (OTCQB: WRLGF) reported final drill results from the 2023 drilling campaign at its 100% owned Rowan Property located in the prolific Red Lake Gold District of Northwestern Ontario, Canada.
The Rowan drill holes highlighted in this news release were focused on infilling gaps in the geologic model between the East and West Zones, as well as infill and expansion at depth on the West Zone ore shoot. Most of the historic production at the Rowan Mine was from the West ore shoot area – mainly concentrated on Veins 103 & 104. Notably, hole RLG-23-177 was successful in intercepting 4.0m @ 9.5 g/t Au approximately 80m beneath the historic workings, demonstrating the down-plunge potential that still exists in the West Zone.
- Hole RLG-23-177 Intersected 4.0m @ 9.5 g/t Au, from 212m to 216m, Including 0.75m @ 25.20 g/t Au, from 212m to 212.75m, Also including 1.1m @ 13.0 g/t Au, from 213.25m to 214.35m.
- Hole RLG-23-175 Intersected 2.7m @ 3.66 g/t Au, from 211m to 213.7m, Including 0.7m @ 13.41 g/t Au, from 213m to 213.7m; And 3.6m @ 3.13 g/t Au, from 221m to 224.6m, Including 0.5m @ 20.01 g/t Au, from 223.6m to 224.1m; And 9.0m @ 3.25 g/t Au, from 255m to 264m, Including 0.5m @ 51.67 g/t Au, from 259.9m to 260.4m.
- Hole RLG-23-174 Intersected 1.0m @ 12.21 g/t Au, from 185m to 186m; And 2.0m @ 10.84 g/t Au, from 406m to 408m, Including 0.5m @ 42.60 g/t Au, from 406m to 406.5m.
- Hole RLG-23-179 Intersected 1.0m @ 16.19 g/t Au, from 420m to 421m, Including 0.5m @ 31.65 g/t Au, from 420.5m to 421m.
- Hole RLG-23-180 Intersected 3.5m @ 3.22 g/t Au, from 92.5m to 96.0m, Including 0.55m @ 15.90 g/t Au, from 93.95m to 94.50m; And 2.0m @ 6.09 g/t Au, from 203m to 205m, Including 0.6m @ 19.99 g/t Au, from 203.7m to 204.3m.
- Hole RLG-23-173 Intersected 0.5m @ 17.78 g/t Au, from 218.5m to 219m.
- Hole RLG-23-176C Intersected 1.5m @ 3.93 g/t Au, from 281m to 282.5m, Including 0.5m @ 10.68 g/t Au, from 282m to 282.5m.
Sections for the Rowan Mine drilling outlined in this release are provided in Figures 1 through 6.
Rowan Property 2023 Exploration Achievements
- Acquired remaining interest in the Rowan Property from Evolution Mining, bringing ownership to 100% (see press release dated March 9th)
- Drilled a total of 62 holes for 20,211.4m of NQ diamond drill core at the Rowan Mine deposit – highlights announced from the 2023 drilling include:
- 70.80 g/t Au over 8.3m in hole RLG-23-163B (see press release dated September 12th)
- 50.52 g/t Au over 4.0m in hole RLG-23-149B (see press release dated August 1st)
- 66.66 g/t Au over 2.0m in hole RLG-23-153 (see press release dated August 29th)
- 45.20 g/t Au over 2.0m in hole RLG-23-166B (see press release dated October 11th)
- 10.34 g/t Au over 8.0m in hole RLG-23-134 (see press release dated May 23rd)
- Positive metallurgical test results from Rowan Deposit indicating overall gold extraction above 98%, requiring only minor changes to the existing flowsheet at Madsen Mill (see press release dated November 15th).
- Defined the high-grade East Zone ore shoot at Rowan down to 490m depth – still remains open for expansion below this level.
- Drilled an additional 2 holes for 780m of NQ diamond drill core at the Red Summit NE target – results confirmed geologic thesis and warrant additional drilling in this area.
- Conducted baseline orientation soil sampling survey – 344 sample sites focused on C-horizon material. Sampling grid covered prospective ground near Rowan and Mt Jamie mine sites and along trend of NT Zone. Assay results received and currently being evaluated.
- Completed reprocessing of two airborne magnetic geophysical datasets and conducted a property-wide LiDAR survey including a corridor along the Mt Jamie access road for future engineering considerations.
- Initiated baseline environmental and archaeological assessments to begin advancing the Rowan deposit towards an Advanced Exploration Permit to allow for collection of a bulk sample.
TABLE 1. Significant intercepts (>3 g/t Au) from drilling at Rowan Mine Target.

FIGURE 1. Deposit-scale plan map of Rowan Mine Target area showing traces and intercepts for holes highlighted in this News Release.
TABLE 2: Drill collar summary for holes reported in this News Release.
The Rowan Mine deposit consists of more than seven sub-parallel, near-vertical, east-west trending veins that are currently defined over a strike length of approximately 1.1 km– mineralization remains open along strike and at depth. The orientation of the veins at the Rowan Mine tend to follow the direction of D2 deformation, which is oriented in an east-west direction over this part of the property. Individual mineralized vein zones usually average 1.0 to 1.5m in thickness, with an overall thickness of the Rowan vein corridor at around 115m. Gold mineralization is typically localized within quartz-carbonate veins hosted within and along the ‘footwall’ margin of a porphyritic felsic intrusive, with increased grades often associated with the presence of visible gold and base metal sulphides (e.g. galena, sphalerite). High-grade dilation zones or ‘ore chutes’ along the Rowan vein trend have been recognized as important controls for localizing thicker and higher-grade zones of gold mineralization. The position and geometry of these dilation zones is well understood at Rowan.
The drilling completed at the Rowan Mine Target in 2023 has been focused on validating historical data across the Inferred Resource, and also infilling apparent gaps in the analytical data set which was a product of very selective sampling techniques implemented during previous drilling campaigns. Assay results received from the 2023 drilling program continue to confirm our thesis that quartz veining and gold mineralization continue at depth and along strike, with grades consistent with, or higher than those outlined in the current Inferred Mineral Resource which remains open in all directions. Future drilling at the Rowan Mine Target area will continue with an emphasis on infill and expansion of the existing high-grade mineral resource.
High resolution versions of all the figures contained in this press release can be found at the following web address:https://westredlakegold.com/january-17th-news-release-maps/
Longitudinal sections showing all intercepts > 3 g/t Au on Veins 101, 102 and 103 can be viewed here:https://westredlakegold.com/august-1st-news-release-maps/

FIGURE 2. Rowan Mine drill section showing assay highlights for Holes RLG-23-176c and -177 through -186[1].

FIGURE 3. Rowan Mine drill section showing assay highlights for Holes RLG-23-173, -174 and -175[1].

FIGURE 4. Rowan Mine longitudinal section for Vein 101 showing 2023 intercepts > 3 g/t Au. Assay highlights from current press release shown in red[1].`

FIGURE 5. Rowan Mine longitudinal section for Vein 102 showing 2023 intercepts > 3 g/t Au. Assay highlights from current press release shown in red[1].

FIGURE 6. Rowan Mine longitudinal section for Vein 103 showing 2023 intercepts > 3 g/t Au. Assay highlights from current press release shown in red[1].
Quality Assurance / Quality Control
Drilling completed at the Rowan Property consists of oriented NQ-sized diamond drill core. All drill holes are systematically logged, photographed, and sampled by a trained geologist at WRLG’s Mt. Jamie core processing facility. Minimum allowable sample length is 0.5m. Maximum allowable sample length is 1.5m. Standard reference materials and blanks are inserted at a targeted 5% insertion rate. The drill core is then cut lengthwise utilizing a diamond blade core saw along a line pre-selected by the geologist. To reduce sampling bias, the same side of drill core is sampled consistently utilizing the orientation line as reference. For those samples containing visible gold (“VG”), a trained geologist supervises the cutting/bagging of those samples, and ensures the core saw blade is ‘cleaned’ with a dressing stone following the VG sample interval. Bagged samples are then sealed with zip ties and transported by WRLG personnel directly to SGS Natural Resource’s Facility in Red Lake, Ontario for assay.
Samples are then prepped by SGS, which consists of drying at 105°C and crushing to 75% passing 2mm. A riffle splitter is then utilized to produce a 500g course reject for archive. The remainder of the sample is then pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns from which 50g is analyzed by fire assay and an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish. Samples returning gold values > 10 g/t Au are reanalyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 50g sample. Samples with visible gold are also analyzed via metallic screen analysis (SGS code: GO_FAS50M). For multi-element analysis, samples are sent to SGS’s facility in Burnaby, British Columbia and analyzed via four-acid digest with an atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish for 33-element analysis on 0.25g sample pulps (SGS code: GE_ICP40Q12). SGS Natural Resources analytical laboratories operates under a Quality Management System that complies with ISO/IEC 17025.
West Red Lake Gold’s Rowan Property presently hosts a National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) Inferred Mineral Resource of 2,790,700 t at an average grade of 9.2 g/t Au containing 827,462 ounces of gold with a cut-off grade of 3.8 g/t Au (NI 43-101 Technical Report, entitled “Technical Report and Resource Estimate on the West Red Lake Project” authored by John Kita, P.Eng., dated December 13, 2022 and filed December 30, 2022 on www.sedarplus.ca). The Inferred Mineral Resource is located in the area of the historic underground Rowan Mine site and situated within a 1.8 km strike length portion of the regional scale Pipestone Bay St Paul Deformation Zone.
The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Will Robinson, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for West Red Lake Gold and the Qualified Person for exploration at the West Red Lake Project, as defined by NI 43-101 “Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects”.