Versus Launches Rewards System Through HP OMEN

Gamers running the OMEN brand of HP rigs may have noticed a new Rewards tab appearing on their desktops today courtesy of a deal struck with Versus Systems Inc. [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="VS.CN" markup="(CSE: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="VRSSF" markup="(OTCQB: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="BMVA" markup="(FSE: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"]. 

The OMEN Rewards program just came online in Beta mode with a variety of in-game promotions after an agreement was struck earlier this month between Versus and HP. 

That non-exclusive agreement sees the WINFINITE platform added to the OMEN Command Center software bundled with HP gaming computers, which is currently used for monitoring internal hardware temperature, CPU utilization, and download speeds. 

The OMEN app can additionally be downloaded through the Windows 10 store for players utilizing other desktop or laptop brands. 

Through the program, gamers gain access to eSports style physical and digital rewards by completing tasks during standard PC gaming sessions through platforms such as Steam or the Windows 10 store. 

Versus’ Chief Executive Officer Matthew Pierce issued this statement about the program entering Beta today:

Challenges and the achievements that go with them have been a part of gaming as far back as getting a top-score at the arcade in the 70s. We are thrilled to be working with HP to provide gamers with all kinds of fun ways to earn amazing prizes while playing some of their favorite games.

North of half a million challenges have been completed through other WINFINITE partnerships in the past, and that number is expected to bump up significantly through the HP collaboration. 

Prizes are delivered via email instructions, which allow companies such as HP that partner with Versus to provide new advertising methods direct to gamer inboxes. 

In addition to securing the deal with HP, Versus is also gearing up to add WINFINITE reward functionality to a variety of mobile games via a new partnership with Animoca Brands Corporation Limited [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="AB1" markup="(ASX: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"]. 

The two companies just inked a mutual investment agreement whereby each will transfer $500,000 worth of stock to the other entity.

Following that mutual investment, Animoca and Versus are now working on a framework for adding reward tokens into existing mobile titles such as Crazy Defense Heroes and The Sandbox. 

Ty Arthur has spent the last decade of his journalism career covering everything from cutting-edge tech to local news through outlets such as the Houston Chronicle. He has focused on the counterculture aspects of society, from marijuana legalization to underground music through and rapidly changing trends in the entertainment industry. He lives in the cold, dark north with his wife and son. Address: 682 Indian Road, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 2C9. Phone: 416-721-8257.


  1. Why I landed on this site, do people actually win? Never hear any stories, I for myself never won anything in my life, or do I read any official winning announcement? Just goes to “expired” and fades into oblivion.. Be nice to win one of those 30L for school. Can give back the 20L I have on credit and get the hardware I need too.. Hehehe


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