Sierra Metals CFO Discusses Substantial 2020 EBITDA Guidance and Distribution to Shareholders

Capital 10X interviews Sierra Metals [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="SMT.TO" markup="(TSX: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="SMTS" markup="(NYSE: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] CFO Ed Guimaraes to discuss the company’s 2020 outlook.

As a polymetallic miner, Sierra Metals benefits from the structural pricing strength of Copper and Silver. After expanding operations significantly over the past years, 2020 is now a period of cash harvesting.

Guimaraes outlines Sierra Metals’ 2020 guidance, including their inaugural EBITDA guidance. We also discuss projected cash flows for the year and Sierra’s plans to return US$30 million capital to shareholders in 2020.

The interview finishes with a discussion of the release of 43-101s for their mines, and how they are thinking about life of mine at their three operating assets.

Sierra Metals is a market awareness client of Capital 10X.

Evan Veryard has a Bachelor's of Chemical Engineering from McGill University and a MaSc. of Chemical Engineering from RMC. He has over 6 years of research experience focusing on industrial materials. Address: 682 Indian Road, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 2C9. Phone: 416-721-8257.


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