Metals X Money: Interview with Clean Air Metals

Capital 10X interviews Clean Air Metals (formerly Regency Gold) [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="RAU.V" markup="(TSXV: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] CEO Abraham Drost to learn more about their advanced exploration projects near Thunder Bay, Ontario.

In the discussion, Drost overviews the opportunity presented by “clean air metals” like palladium, platinum, nickel, and copper that they are pursuing.

Evan Veryard has a Bachelor's of Chemical Engineering from McGill University and a MaSc. of Chemical Engineering from RMC. He has over 6 years of research experience focusing on industrial materials. Address: 682 Indian Road, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 2C9. Phone: 416-721-8257.


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