First Nordic Commences 120 Hole Drill Program at Klippen Project, Sweden

First Nordic Metals Corp.(TSXV: FNM) (OTCQB: FNMCF)  announced the commencement of a base-of-till (“BoT”, also known as top-of-bedrock) drilling program on the 100%-owned Klippen Project (“Klippen” or the “Project”) located in the southern extent of the Gold Line Belt, northern Sweden.

The Klippen target currently being tested represents one of the most extensive gold and pathfinder element anomalies in the First Nordic portfolio, at over 5 kilometer long. The litho-structural setting is ideal for large orogenic gold deposits, and historical exploration has identified gold mineralization, but this does not seem to explain the size and intensity of the till anomaly, so the exploration potential here remains high. BoT drilling is the most effective method of targeting potential new discoveries under glacial till cover and has already proven fruitful at our Paubäcken Project’s Aida discovery further north. We look forward to reporting results later this fall as well as advancing exploration on multiple assets on the Gold Line belt in Q4.Taj Singh, President & CEO, First Nordic Metals

Q4 2024 Klippen Project Exploration Program

The fall Klippen Project BoT drilling program is designed to investigate bedrock sources of a > 5 kilometre (“km”) by 350 meter (“m”) wide historic gold, arsenic, copper and zinc glacial till anomaly oriented in the prominent ice flow direction. The program will include up to 120 BoT drill holes and is designed to systematically test the bedrock along a 1 km zone interpreted to be the most probable source of the till anomaly based on interpretation of geophysical data and ice flow direction (see Figure 1).

Several other coincident arsenic, copper, zinc anomalies identified in the 2023 glacial till sampling program will also be tested. Samples from these target areas were analyzed using XRF (x-ray fluorescence) which did not analyze for gold but contain similar pathfinder element assemblages.

Historic BoT and diamond drilling campaigns carried out by previous operators was focused in a small area of the anomalous zone. Here, anomalous gold mineralization was encountered in both BoT and diamond drilling.

Mineralization observed is mainly hosted within a highly strained and altered syn-kinematic granodiorite measuring 4.5 km by 0.5 km. Gold mineralization mainly occurs as sulphide veins consisting of pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite hosted within the highest strain zones of the granodiorite and minorly within highly strained sedimentary and volcanic units along the margins of the granodiorite. Mineralization is associated with intense sericite, carbonate, epidote and biotite hydrothermal alteration assemblages extending laterally into wall rock. Interpretation of historic drill core has led to the interpretation that mineralization encountered to date may be distal to a larger zone of mineralization under the main area of the till anomaly.

Figure 1: Klippen project top-of-bedrock drilling plan (CNW Group/First Nordic Metals Corp.)

About the Klippen Project

The Klippen project is located in a southern extension of the Gold Line Belt in northern Sweden. The geology consists of a sequence of inverted basin sediments and mafic volcanic rocks intruded by small syn-kinematic granitic intrusions within a broad, anastomosing high strain structural corridor. These lithological sequences are highly prospective for orogenic gold deposits.

About the Gold Line Belt Geology

The geology of the Gold Line Belt consists of an inverted volcano-sedimentary sequence intruded by small pre- to syn-kinematic granitic intrusions within a broad, anastomosing high strain structural corridor. Lithologies are regionally metamorphosed to upper greenschist and amphibolite grade facies, and gold mineralization is associated with intense sericite, carbonate, biotite, and calc-silicate alteration assemblages and sulphide minerals pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite. The regional Gold Line structural corridor runs up the axis of the belt with many jogs, splays, and zones of structural complexity that are potential locations for dilation and deposition of gold bearing fluids. These lithological sequences are deemed to be highly prospective for orogenic gold deposits.


The Company’s flagship asset is the Barsele gold project, located in northern Sweden and in a joint venture with senior gold producer Agnico Eagle Mines Limited. Immediately surrounding the Barsele project, FNM is the 100%-owner of a district-scale license position of close to 100,000 hectares on Gold Line Greenstone Belt. Additionally, in northern Finland FNM is the 100%-owner of a district-scale position covering the entire Oijärvi Greenstone Belt.inve

First Nordic Metals is a market awareness client of Capital 10X. For more information, including potential conflicts of interest please see our Content Disclaimer.

Duane Hope is a Partner at Capital 10X, he brings over 15 years of communications and research experience to the firm. His research and writing have appeared in publications for North American, European and Asian audiences.


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