After finalizing a long-planned merger with J55 Capital Corp, Aquilini GameCo, And Luminosity Gaming earlier this month, Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="EGLX.V" markup="(TSXV: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] is now moving forward with another acquisition.
Today the company completed its deferred payment obligation to The Sims Resource (TSR) ahead of schedule. That payment completes the acquisition of TSR, which was previously held by Generatorhallen AB and IBIBI HB.
TSR is known as one of the largest online destinations for female gamers, modders, and modelers, offering a wide array of assets for the various Sims line of games.
Every aspect of the Sims universe is covered by TSR, from pet skins to building floors to character makeup, as well as a subscriber-only community forum for discussing new additions to the game.
With the acquisition now closed, members of The Sims Resource’s management team are moving over to positions with Enthusiast Gaming, while the site will begin utilizing a newly optimized ad strategy under Enthusiast’s direction.
The site typically sees a wider range of visitors than competing resources as mod content is generally kept to a PG-13 rating, netting TSR an estimated 2.5 billion page views across the 2018 calendar year.
That number is likely to grow in the short term as TSR is preparing to see a wealth of new content and subscribers in the wake of the newly released Realm Of Magic expansion for The Sims 4. Realm Of Magic officially dropped on PC yesterday, with the console version to arrive on Oct. 15.
After news broke of the early completed payment this morning, Enthusiast Gaming President Menashe Kestenbaum commented:
Unlike many other mod and texture resource sites, The Sims Resource uses both ad revenue and a paid subscription service, with a combined $7 million in revenue generated between those two sources last year.
Subscription services for TSR are up by an estimated 30% since April, which will be leveraged by Enthusiast across its entire subscription platform.