Element79 Gold Corp Provides Update on Nevada Portfolio

Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE:ELEM) (OTC:ELMGF) announced several updates related to its Nevada Portfolio:

Highlights of Element79’s Nevada portfolio since acquisition in 2021

  • A portfolio of 16 projects was acquired as an “all or nothing” package from Waterton Global Resource Management in December 2021. The Company has subsequently reviewed, updated and expanded historical data sets, and ultimately divested of many projects with an eye to generate shareholder value.
  • Two projects sold to Centra in 2023 – Stargo and Long Peak. Long Peak 43-101 expected to be complete during late summer 2024.
  • The Company made the strategic decision to not renew the claims on eight projects due to being very early stage and outside of the Company’s parameters to work on; data rooms for these projects were retained.
  • The Maverick Springs project was purchased with a 1.8M oz AuEq Historical Reosurce, which the Company reviewed, reworked and increased the Mineral Resource Estimate to 3.71Moz AuEq. Maverick Springs was sold to Sun Silver on May 8, 2024, with cash received being used to pay off  debts and accounts payable; the Company retained 3,500,000 shares of Sun Silver Limited (ASX:SS1) at 0.20 AUD as an investment in the development of the Maverick Springs asset.  The Company will hold and divest of these shares strategically over time.
  • Valdo portfolio – Original option expired. In discussions with multiple counterparties for sale of the same projects, anticipated closing in 2024.
  • Clover, West Whistler – portfolio under review, currently in discussions with third parties to sell

Valdo Package Reset for Sale

The Company confirms the expiry of the previously-announced Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with Valdo Minerals Ltd. for the purchase of the North Mill Creek, Elder Creek, and Elephant Projects, including all land claims and historical databases relative to the projects therein.

The original LOI was established on November 17, 2022 with an original closing date of July 15, 2023.  As the parties communicated through the process and were working towards a closing, a 60-day extension was granted, which has expired.

The Company is in discussions with two parties regarding these same projects with the intent to close the sale of them within 2024.  Element79 Gold Corp. remains committed to the successful completion of the divestiture of these projects and believes that it will come to commercially beneficial terms for their sale in the near term.

The North Mill Creek Project

The North Mill Creek Project (“North Mill Creek“) is comprised of 6 unpatented claims located at the margins of the Goat Window in Lander County, Nevada. The Goat Window is an exposure of lower plate rocks beneath the Roberts Mountains Thrust which are the preferred carbonate host of Carlin-type gold deposits. Previous drilling completed at North Mill Creek yielded encouraging results warranting follow-up exploration.

The Elder Creek Project

The Elder Creek Project (“Elder Creek“) is comprised of 23 unpatented claims which cover the historic Elder Creek open-pit mine in Lander County, Nevada. Elder Creek is hosted in upper plate rocks where the mine area is believed to represent leakage from the deeper lower plate of the Roberts Mountains Thrust, suggesting that deeper targets could host significant mineralization within faulted and anticline folded sedimentary beds.

The Elephant Project

The Elephant Project (“Elephant“) is comprised of 197 claims located at the foot of the mine dumps at Nevada Gold Mines’ Phoenix operation. Elephant hosts a covered pediment target with various depths of cover based on the displacement of fault blocks. Limited past drilling has confirmed the presence and mineralization of the Elephant target model.

Remaining Nevada Portfolio Under Review

With the sale of Maverick Springs bringing attention to the Company, it has been fielding calls with counterparties inquiring about the remaining projects in the Element79 Gold Corp portfolio, Clover and West Whistler.  These projects have been visited and are under review by the Element79 Gold team, being weighed for further development and dealing.


Clover is in Elko County in township 38 range 44 and in township 37 range 44. The property comprises 162 claims over 3,063 acres. Clover is positioned over felsic volcanics and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks.   Two sets of conjugate faults strike across or adjacent to the property, with each of these fault systems projects to a major Au producer.  Past project owners had drilled 104 holes and have completed remediation work; past drill results include: JK-4C were 32’ at 25 g/t Au with a peak intersection of 2.5’ at 274 g/t Au; CL-13 intersected 25’ at 7.85 g/t Au; USCV012 intersected 10’ at 20.4 g/t Au.

West Whistler

19km West of Eureka, Nevada, West Whistler  is a moderate group of 103 claims over 2,057 acres in Eureka County.  Regionally proximate to the former Barrick, current-day i80 Gold Ruby Hill Mine.  Historic work includes mapping, soil sampling, VLF survey and 6 drill holes.

Element79 Gold has been on a constant mission to continue unlocking additional value from the vast portfolio of projects that had been amassed over the past few years, with the intent to create value for our shareholders.  The current market trend of rising gold and silver prices, as well as the business- and mining-friendly state of Nevada are key points that have driven past sales as well as current (potential) transactional counterparties to reach out on the remaining Battle Mountain projects in our portfolio.
We, with industry teammates and transactional counterparties, have always believed the Battle Mountain Portfolio contains several notable future targets which warrant extensive exploration and prospecting to further validate historic high-grade samples and drilling results.  We have seen success in other sales from the portfolio, and we continue to pursue this strategy of unlocking value for our shareholders, and to increase focus on exploring and developing our core high-grade, past-producing Lucero project.James Tworek, CEO & Director, Element79 Gold

Qualified Person

The technical information in this release has been reviewed and verified by Kim Kirkland, Fellow of AusIMM #309585, Chief Operating Officer of Element79 Gold Corp, and a “qualified person” as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

Element79 Gold is a market awareness client of Capital 10X. For more information, including potential conflicts of interest please see our Content Disclaimer.

Duane Hope is a Partner at Capital 10X, he brings over 15 years of communications and research experience to the firm. His research and writing have appeared in publications for North American, European and Asian audiences.


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