32 years on from the franchise’s original launch, Street Fighter is still a global phenomenon propelling eSports matches forward, and today Capcom Co. Ltd. [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="CCOEY" markup="(OTC: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"][stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" color="default" assets="9697" markup="(TYO: {symbol} {currency_symbol}{price} ({change_pct}))" api="yf"] officially announced the Street Fighter League: Pro-JP 2020 season.
This upcoming 2020 edition of the Japanese league will feature 3 vs 3 team battles with pro competitors at six different offline sites around the country.
Those yet-to-be announced locations will see major promotional efforts from Capcom to draw in larger crowds for viewing the matches directly at various venues rather than streaming online.
Discussing the impending new Japanese tournament season, Capcom issued this statement today:
Aside from that new Japanese league, the worldwide Capcom Pro Tour is currently ongoing, with the Blink Fighting Fest due to take place in the Dominican Republic later this week.
The Pro Tour continues with battles in France, Costa Rica, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States through October and November. Those various events will culminate with the 2019 Capcom Cup in Los Angeles on Dec. 13.
While the official Capcom Cup is the largest Street Fighter eSports expo in the world, a number of other venues run their own competitions revolving around the fighting game, such as the Gfinity Elite Series and ESL One Brooklyn Beat Down.
Street Fighter V originally launched for PC and the PS4 back in 2016, while an updated version with enhanced mechanics dubbed the Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition dropped in January of 2018, which is now used in eSports tournaments.
While other eSports staples such as Call Of Duty or direct sports tie-ins like NBA 2K20 receive yearly iterations, a new Street Fighter game isn’t expected to be announced in the near future.
Series executive producer Yoshinori Ono tweeted back in July that a sixth major entry in the franchise is not currently under development, making it unlikely fans will see a Street Fighter VI in 2020.